Riichi/Dora Mahjong
Quick Notes
English Configuration Options
The file "config.txt" contains options to use English text.
To include English indices on the tiles, change the line:
To use English text for the buttons and yaku, change the lines
ui-text=romanji yaku-text=romanji action-text=romanji
ui-text=en action-text=en yaku-text=en
A simplified ruleset is included with this documentation.
For more complete rules try Tom Sloper or Mahjong Wiki.

The program opens to the main menu with the following options.
Start Game
Begins a new game with the default options.
Setup Game
Begins a new game with custom rules.
View Replay
Load to replay file to examine a previously played hand.
Construct hands to see waits, scoring or best discard.
Mahjong Squares
Begins a new game of mahjong squares.
Known Bugs & Enhancements
The end-of-round screen should show honba & riichi payments.
Some han/fu scoring values are incorrectly computed.
Sometimes the wrong tile is horizontal in a Kan meld.
UI should indicate when a rule (e.g. furiten) prevents an otherwise legal action from being taken.
Forming a Kan with the final tile in the wall crashes the game.