

Imperative view of Monads

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Mifra - Logic Puzzle/Game

A color sequence matching game similar to "Guess" from Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection or the commercial "Mastermind" game published by Hasboro. This version includes alternate clue modes to provide an additional challenge.


Rules Summary

The computer selects a secret sequence of colors of the specified length. Each turn, you may guess the sequence (colors can be picked from the palette at the left, or your previous guesses). Click the triangle to the right of the guess when it is complete. After making a guess, clues will be displayed to the right. Continue making guesses until you have solved the puzzle.

Classic Clues

For every position that matches the color of the same position in the secret, a black dot will be shown. Of the remaining elements, a white dot will be shown for each that matches a color in the secret. Each element can only match or be matched once; i.e. a single red in the guess can only result in a single white or black dot no matter how many red are in the secret.

Adjacent Clues

For every subsequence that exactly matches a subsequence in the secret, a black circle, oval, triangle or N-pointed star will be shown (based on the length of the subsequence). The relative position of the subsequences do not matter, a red-green sequence in the guess will match against a red-green sequence anywhere in the secret. Each element of the guess can only be part of one subsequence match, a red-green sequence in the guess will reflect a single length-2 match of a red-green-red-green secret. If the guess can be matched in multiple ways, the longest match is prioritized, followed by the largest number of matched elements.

Change History

27 July 2021

Added toggle between solid colors and patters for color-blind support. Added animation to making a guess.